Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where do your great ideas happen?

Growing up, I loved to wake up and stay in bed.  I think my mom thought I didn't wake up until 10 or so, but I'd just lay there for an hour or so... just thinking.  Thinking about nothing... thinking about everything... just letting my mind wander to wherever it wanted to go. 

Fast forward 20 or so years--

I would love to wake up and lay in bed for an hour to collect my thoughts.  My firstborn is an early riser and loves company.  He is our alarm clock.  I now have to find a new time/place to do my thinking; just let my mind be consumed with randomness or sometimes very focused thoughts. 

The gym.  The long bike on Saturday.  The long run on Sunday.  This is my "now" spot for my brain time.  (It's not my "new" time but my "now" time for thinking--I've been doing it for years.)

Today I had a great thought for my blog in a secondary place.  The shower.  I had it all planned out.  Exactly what I'd write in my blog tonight.  HOWEVER (there's always a however), I couldn't tell you what it is.  I forgot my great idea. 

I do have news, though.  I received an email from Beth and Tammy from UCP Cleveland and asked if I could be a guest blogger until after the Cleveland race!  It was just one of those messages that brighten your day.  I feel really honored that they would think of me to do that.  Golly! 

In other news, 3 more races are in the books: Warrior Dash, Deer Creek Olympic, and Steve-o's Wendy's Tri.  Very productive races.  I'll leave you with the pics and finishing times.  One week until C-bus Olympic, and 6 weeks until CLEVELAND!!!!

Warrior Dash:

Time: 30:53 for 3.4 miles (9:08 min/mile)
age group rank: 7 of 1408
overall rank:      227 of 7680 overall

Deer Creek Olympic:  (LMFAO theme)

Time: 2:37:13
swim - 26:29 (1500m)
T1     - 1:31
bike  - 1:19:24 (24.8 miles)
T2    - 1:17
run   -48:30 (6.21 miles)

3rd place AG!
And... as extra motivation for these races, 4 fantastic people donated to UCP!!!!!!!!!!!