Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Still working on that "change" thing

So it's been a month since my new running shoes (128 miles on them already).  If you're a runner or a walker, you know how important it is that shoes fit your foot well.  Well...

I think I'm tormenting the poor staff at Road Runner Sports.  I've come in at least 5 times in the last 6 weeks.  I'm becoming quite friendly with the staff, although I think they secretly hide when I walk in the doors.  D helped me first in February.  (Names removed to protect the innocent parties.)  Great guy.  I've talked to him before.  After purchasing from him, I had to return my shoes.  Then E helped me out.  This time I came in on a Tuesday afternoon when no one was there.  She knew how to do it: she brought some shoes and I helped myself to the shoes and the treadmill.  I came away with a different pair.  These are so-so.  At first, my toenails turned purple.  (This is not a good sign.)  Then I removed my insoles and used the ones that came with the shoe.  Much better.  Now my toes on the other foot are bluish.  Eh.  Oh well. 

I went back last night and the staff started laughing when I walked in the door.  Ok, they weren't laughing.  They were jokingly asking why I was back again.  Hello?!?  Door prizes, food, and BEER!  It was a VIP night with good deals on shoes and apparel, and since mine could be better, I jumped at the chance to try something else.  Again, another shoe purchase.  I have yet to try this pair on a run.  I ran 13 today, and you don't do that with new shoes.  You start small.  I have 90 days to return them if I have issues-I've got time.  (famous last words).  Anyway, a little plug for Road Runner Sports (even if I didn't win a door prize).  I have never had better service by any company.  I feel like every person I meet there is a friend.  (and thanks J, A, and R for last night's help!)

So, with the events of shoe shopping in my recent past, I found this video of the first woman to run the Boston Marathon.  Now, I'm not an outspoken "women are the same as men in all cases" type of person.  God made us different for a reason.  HOWEVER, I'm all for the women pioneers of "life in general" who help demonstrate what we are able to do.  So with my new shoes and one month until my half marathon, I leave you with this video: 

Kathrine Switzer  (look for a little blue box to pop up and click on it)