Change, on the grand scheme of things, is good. Great, even. When it comes to important matters, change can be the thing that makes me become a better person, a more experienced person. As a Lego Ninjago episode puts it {thanks to my dear children}, I can realize my full potential. Change can be amazing! Unless I need new running shoes. Ugh.
Just ask my mother. I dare you. Ask her if she enjoyed taking me shoe shopping when I was younger. Wait. Don't do that. You'll get more than you bargained for.
I'm not picky-I'm precise. If I'm going to drop money on an item that is supposed to enhance my running experience, not injure me, and that I'll be wearing for 350 miles over 4 months, they better be good. They should be an extension of myself. The latest pair I purchased is not. I feel as if I'm running in the shoe boxes themselves. After 2 years in the same model shoe, after buying as many as I could on the internet until I couldn't find them anymore, it's finally time to move on. Change is hard. I hate change. Here ends the tribulation section of my blog for the day.
Trials have been coming in the form of illness. They've been attacking everyone in the family. Even the GBO (Great Bald One) had a cold and he never gets sick. Two workouts have been missed in three days this weekend, but it's ok. That's why I work so hard normally--just in case I need to miss a day. Hopefully this past episode is our last of the winter. Did you hear that, Winter??? Huh? Did ya?????
Finally, Triumph. I'll get back to you on that when I get different running shoes....this might take a while.